What is the Higher Self?
Your Higher Self is the ancient, wise, unconditionally loving version of yourself.
Along with your spirit team of teachers, guides, angels, and ascended masters, your Higher Self makes a plan for your life based on the soul experiences you’ve had in the past and any areas of study it wishes to master going forward.
I think it’s helpful to think of yourself as a video game character. If that is so, then your Higher Self is the one who is playing the game, choosing the world it wants to play in, and what challenges it will seek to triumph over.
You – the character – are an instrument for these lessons to be learned. Your Higher Self channels an aspect of its energy into you to have the life experiences that will allow it to grow.
So, in essence, you ARE your Higher Self, you just forgot. It’s like you have blinders on and can only see what’s right in front of you in this current lifetime. But your Higher Self remembers everything you truly are and everything you have ever been or experienced in ALL of your incarnations on Earth or otherwise.
Having a conversation with your Higher Self is an unforgettable experience because you are finally able to ask and understand why your life is the way it is. Why did you choose your family, the area you grew up, your bodily features? Why did you choose to have the challenges you currently have? What skills have you been developing for multiple lifetimes that you may have been overlooking?
Everyone usually has their own set of questions they wish to ask their Higher Self, but your Higher Self will also have messages for YOU that go beyond any questions you may be bringing to your Higher Self Session!
In fact, everything that comes up in your session is governed by your Higher Self based on what it feels you are ready to know right now. And it is always protecting you! That is why you are never going to be shown anything that you are not ready for. It’s also the one that is putting you under hypnosis, so however deep you go is up to your Higher Self as well.
Although, as the practitioner, I guide you into the state of being that will allow you to connect with your Higher Self, IT is really the one who takes the reins and takes you where you need to go – whether it’s to a past life, a memory from your current life, or on some other magical adventure that neither of us could have expected.
Then, when that is through and the connection is at its strongest, we’ll dive right in to ask any questions you have brought to the session for your own curiosity, self-discovery, and healing.
You can actually connect with your Higher Self at any time simply by getting quiet, meditating, and choosing to zoom out from your current narrow perspective and connect to the bigger picture. But hypnosis makes the connection incredibly clear!
The messages that come through are even more clear than what most people will get from even the most consistent meditation practice because it is on par with direct channeling. You may even have spirit guides, ancestors, or ascended masters coming through to speak through you in your session.
Even if you feel you are not able to channel in your everyday life, hypnosis makes this possible. And for those who do already channel, you are able to create an even stronger connection through hypnosis that helps you see beyond any personal bias you may have around your current life struggles and see things more clearly.
The other beautiful thing is that your Higher Self can provide energy healing to you right there in the session, so you will leave with both answers to your questions and a more balanced energetic field and physical body.
Ready to give it a try and ask your Higher Self directly what it has to share with you? Book a session here!