Understanding Hypnosis 101
It sounds very sci-fi, but what is a “hypnotic trance” exactly? In hypnotherapy, we work in the Theta brainwave state, which is the trance state you are naturally going in and out of every single day in between waking and sleeping.
You know those moments right before you’re about to fall asleep and you start seeing pictures and imagery like you are dreaming already? Yep, that’s Theta.
The beauty of hypnotherapy is that we stay in this state of being and hang out, like you are navigating through a dream while you’re awake, and I help guide you to find all of the magical answers to all of the things you have been wondering about in your life.
It causes a clairvoyant (clear-seeing) state of being that also makes you clairsentient (clear-feeling) and claircognizant (clear-knowing) beyond the veil. You may even be able to smell and taste – just like when you’re in a vivid dream.

Here are some fun facts about the different brain wave states:
- BETA = Fully alert and awake: Ego and societal programming rule here. This is the state of mind we are typically operating from in our everyday lives.
- ALPHA = Light level of trance: We move into alpha the moment we close our eyes and within less than a minute of watching TV! You are not all “here,” but you could easily snap back at any moment.
- THETA = Deepest level of trance: This is the sweet spot where you have access to your subconscious soul memories and the ability to connect with your Higher Self. This is also the brainwave state that psychics & mediums can naturally tap into to find answers, but in hypnotherapy, I guide you there to find your own answers instead. Pretty cool, huh?
- DELTA = Fully asleep… snoring… mouth open. 😴 You get the picture.
A brainwave study was done on Tyler Henry, a famous psychic medium known as the Hollywood Medium, in mid-2023. Using electrodes that were attached to his head while he was giving someone a reading, the doctors doing the EEG study (one of them a leading neuroscientist) discovered that Tyler moved into these deeper levels of trance in order to receive incredibly accurate messages from spirits in the beyond for his client. (Here’s the video if you want to watch it!)
So, how do we access the Theta brainwave state? It’s actually a very simple process.
Using only my voice, I will speak out loud a guided meditation in a soft voice that will gently lull you to the edge of sleep. Through the power of suggestion, I will navigate you to an appropriate time and space that is important for you to see as related to your intention for the session.
Once there, you will access soul memories that hold an element of healing for you in your current life situation. At this point, you will be in a lighter stage of Theta, which creates the sensation of dreaming while you’re still awake. You will see, feel, and psychically sense things just as you would in a dream, and this will be incredibly healing because we will actually be able to decode and understand your “dream” once we move into the next stage.
The longer you’re under hypnosis, the deeper you will go. Finally, when you are in the deepest level of trance (in other words, a deeper degree of Theta), we will ask to speak directly with your Higher Self for an even greater level of clarity. This is when we can ask direct questions that you have wondered about your life and get more details on why you were shown the visions you were.
You will still be fully conscious and aware of what is happening the whole time. You can even get up and use the bathroom if you need to, and come right back and put your head on the pillow and go right back in! You can move around, use hand gestures, or even take a sip of water if need be.
Some people travel all the way to Peru to work with a shaman in an ayahuasca ceremony. Others are in the constant habit of buying psychic readings from others. With a Higher Self Session, all you need to do is lay down and tune into the sound of my voice to receive your own answers for yourself.
Afterward, you will feel amazing all over as if you just woke up from the most fascinating dream with very minimal side effects – the main one being that you may feel a little bit ungrounded for about 20 minutes. You may also be feeling more sensitive and even more psychic for a few days following as the information that comes through is usually quite life-changing. This is why I recommend eating a grounding meal and going easy on yourself while you are integrating back into the beta brainwave state.
So, you see, being in a trance really is quite safe, easy, natural and not science fiction at all. It’s something we do all the time on our own. This is just a more guided, structured experience that is designed to be incredibly therapeutic and cathartic.
At the end of the day, we’re really just tapping into a deeper, wiser state of you.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!