it begins

frequently asked questions

Essentially, it is an opportunity to trade products or services that you offer as part of your soul’s gift to the world in place of a financial investment. You can also offer to trade for part of the amount and offer money for the rest.

Please note that not all energy exchanges may be able to be accepted, but there is no harm in offering. If you have any questions, please don’t be shy and reach out!

I’ve never had this process NOT work, even for people who say they can’t be hypnotized. The belief that you can or cannot be hypnotized is actually all up to what your conscious mind chooses to believe. If you’re here reading this, then I know you WANT to be hypnotized.

So, what happens if you’re thinking about the idea that you can’t be hypnotized, and you just flush it out the back of your mind right now? 🙂

Let it just flush. Give it as long as it takes to just completely flush out of your head to the point that where that idea was is just empty. Just blank. And instead of your mind repeating that idea over and over again, it just repeats flush, flush, flush. Blank, blank. Emptiness. And now you’ve let it go completely.

Anytime it tries to come back, you can take a deep breath, simply allow yourself to float and relax back into the knowing that hypnosis can and is working for you, too. Just like how you naturally dream when you fall asleep each night without any prompting whatsoever, you can naturally be hypnotized, too, and it will be SO healing for you.

You may be feeling slightly more sensitive for the next 3 days after your session, so make sure you take good care of yourself and get all the rest you need. Most people report feeling lighter and more free, especially if they had an emotional release during the session. Opportunities may also come into your life “out of the blue” since we are unblocking a lot of the blocks that may have been keeping you feeling stuck.

You may also notice that any physical issues you had previously are no longer bothering you anymore and that you are more intuitively open to hearing messages from your Higher Self in your everyday life.

After 3 days, the memory of the experience can begin to fade in the same way that a dream does, so it’s best to listen back to your recording periodically and take notes so you can remind yourself about this amazing experience and make sure you are committed to following through on any advice or guidance that came through in your session.

That’s okay! Not everyone goes back into past lives. For some people, their subsconscious mind will show them a sequence of dreams or visions that tell a symbolic story about the message or lesson your Higher Self would like to help you learn. Others will see previous experiences from their current life.

Remember that it’s YOUR Higher Self we’re speaking to – they want you to feel safe and proctected and will always use your language to speak with you! Even if that means bringing you to a dream or vision instead of a past life.

It’s not really important where you go (or if it can be proven that it was “real”) – it’s more important what you see, feel, and sense, and what the story you’re experiencing can teach you about your life right now. Neither you or I choose that journey – your Higher Self does it for you according to what it feels you are ready for and most in need of right now!

Listening to guided meditations and visualizations that call on you to use your imagination to picture images in your mind’s eye will help you get into the state of mind that we will be working with in your session.

Your Higher Self will speak to you through the filter of your own belief system, so you may also want to study up on spiritual materials such as the books listed on this page so you can widen your lens and receive even greater insights, but this is absolutely not required.

There will be visualization exercises already built into your session, so even if you don’t do any practice beforehand, you’ll be all set.

get in touch

Still Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out anytime with anything that’s on your mind!